avery center patient portal

by Kendra Emmerich 4 min read

Where can I find information from the Waverly Health Center patient portal?

Information from the clinic patient portal is only from visits to Waverly Health Center clinics. Hospital and non-WHC clinic information will not be available.

Why choose Avery eye clinic?

Dr Lin has been my ophthalmologist for many years. I have complete confidence in her. She is thoughtful, professional, intelligent and knows her business inside out. I would recommend Avery Eye Clinic to anyone looking for the best.

How do I make an appointment with averachart?

If you need further assistance, contact the AveraChart help desk at 1-855-667-9704. Please Note: You cannot create a virtual appointment with your provider from this page. You must contact your clinic and have them set the appointment for you.

What is Register averachart and how does it work?

Register AveraChart is an easy way to access your health care information, communicate with your care team, view upcoming appointments, submit a prescription renewal, view lab results, and become a more active partner in your own health care. New users can register for AveraChart or log in if you already have an account.


Looking for Free Our Girls?

After strategically planning how we make the biggest impact for individuals, our community, and the culture, Free Our Girls is now The Avery Center. Same staff, same passion, same services—new name.

The Avery Center expands services for sex trafficking survivors in Northern Colorado with funding from the Department of Health and Human Services

The Avery Center has been awarded a federal grant in 2020 from the Department of Health and Human Services that will allow for an expansion of services and innovations in digital outreach. We will use this funding to expand sex trafficking victim services and community engagement in Northern Colorado.

Our Monthly Care Package Program

Every month, we send dozens of carefully-curated care packages to survivors in our network. This program is integral to building relationships with victims and survivors by establishing trust and demonstrating consistency through a harm reduction model.

Why are babies color blind?

This hole in your vision isn’t noticed because your eyes work together to fill in each other’s blind spot.

Where is Avery Eye Clinic?

We are one of the premier vision care ophthalmology groups in Texas. We serve patients from various parts of the state, including Montgomery and Walker counties, as well as the Houston metro area.

Why do people say "in the blink of an eye"?

People say “in the blink of an eye” because it’s the fastest muscle in the body. Eyes are comprised of over 2 million working parts to make them fully functional.

How long does it take for a corneal scratch to heal?

They make crying sounds, but tears don’t start flowing until they are about 4-13 weeks old. The eye heals quickly. With proper care, it only takes about 48 hours for the eye to repair a corneal scratch. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. 80% of vision problems worldwide are avoidable or even curable.

Does Avery Eye Clinic still require masks?

In regards to Governor Abbott’s executive order ending the statewide COVID restrictions and mask mandates, Avery Eye Clinic will continue to require face masks and practice social distancing while in the clinic. As a healthcare facility, we must follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC. We are asking people to continue masking. We know that it works. It protects health care workers and the people around you. More infectious variants are circulating in Texas, and millions more people need to be vaccinated. We should still be doing everything we can to protect each other. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue our efforts to make the best decisions for our immunocompromised and at-risk patient population. We will continue to monitor CDC guidelines and update our clinic policies, as necessary.

Who is the leader in laser vision correction?

Avery Eye Clinic’s physicians are considered leaders in laser vision correction. They will work with you to determine if you qualify for laser vision correction and which LASIK procedure is right for you. Initial examinations are complementary!

Virtual Visits

For instructions on how to use AveraChart for a virtual visit, see our portal instructions. If you need further assistance, contact the AveraChart help desk at 1-855-667-9704.

Additional Portals

The following patient portals have their own unique logins and are not accessible by using your AveraChart username and password.

Se Inteligente con AveraChart

AveraChart es el portal de Internet de Avera para pacientes. Nuestro portal fácil de usar es una forma nueva de comunicarse con su equipo de salud y de revisar su expediente médico-por internet. Donde sea que usted tenga acceso a internet, usted tiene acceso a AveraChart.
